
2024年8月15日—Locationof'settings','py','data'folders.CudaTextdistributionsareportable,iftheexecutablefileislocatednearthedatasub-folder.,CudaTextisacross-platformtexteditor,writteninObjectPascal.Itisopensourceprojectandcanbeusedfreeofcharge,evenforbusiness.,CudaTextisacodeeditorwithaclean,tabbedinterfaceandside-panels.Includessplitview,codefolding,hotkeys,themesupport,colorpickerandmuch ...,2...


2024年8月15日 — Location of 'settings', 'py', 'data' folders. CudaText distributions are portable, if the executable file is located near the data sub-folder.


CudaText is a cross-platform text editor, written in Object Pascal. It is open source project and can be used free of charge, even for business.


CudaText is a code editor with a clean, tabbed interface and side-panels. Includes split view, code folding, hotkeys, theme support, color picker and much ...

CudaText 1.214.7 免安裝版

2024年6月3日 — 跨平台免費文字編輯器- CudaText,使用Lazarus所開發的開源專案,支援多頁籤功能,無限制大小的二進制/十六進制檢視器,可以檢視10Gb大的Log檔,特色 ...

CudaText download

Download CudaText for free. Cross-platform text and code editor. Cross-platform code editor, with syntax highlight for 300+ languages.

CudaText Portable (customizable text editor)

2024年3月4日 — CudaText is a cross-platform text editor, written in Object Pascal language using the Lazarus IDE, with a focus on performance and a broad ...


2023年10月30日 — Portable software for local, portable/USB and cloud drives ... It's been released: ...

Portable software for cloud, local, and portable USB drives. ... Home / CudaText Portable. Name, Modified, Size, InfoDownloads / Week. Parent ...

Windows Portable CudaText #5248

CudaText distributions are portable, if the executable file is located near the data sub-folder. So the distribution for Windows is portable (executable  ...